Name: Lily Elkwood
Year: 2022
Major: Art history
Hometown: Marlboro, New Jersey
Campus activities: HART club, JWST club, volunteer at the history center, member of Sigma Delta Tau
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Everyone should go to the top floor of he Johnson Museum and see the view.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Mulaney
Blurb: I. D.o.n.t know

Name: Lauren Kam
Year: 2019
Major: Asian Studies
Hometown: Burlingame, CA
Campus activities: BIOG 1445 TA, nutrition research, Chinese Bible Study
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Climb on the roof of Klarman Hall at midnight
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Piper
Blurb: Bubble tea makes everything better

Name: Sharanya Suresh
Year: 2020
Major: Human Biology, Health, and Society
Hometown: Potomac, MD
Campus activities: Development of Social Cognition Lab, Cornell Anjali, Cornell Health International, Alpha Phi Omega
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get to Olin before it opens and run in with everyone once they unlock the doors to get the best seats
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mindy Kaling
Blurb: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott

Name: Taylor Meyer
Year: 2020
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Campus activities: I'm involved in Engineers for a Sustainable World, Delta Delta Delta, an Residential Advisor in Mary Donlon Hall, a researcher in You lab, and a student assistant at the Engineering Registrar
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have seniors yell freshmen to you as you cross over from campus to collegetown during O-week.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Blurb: Don't worry about prelims you fail freshman year, it's a rite of passage.

Name: Danny Alvarado-Gómez
Year: 2022
Major: Communication
Hometown: Orlando
Campus activities: Boba Bois, WVBR, Cornell Catholic, Cornell Democrats, SA Communications Committee, etc.
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Sleep through all of your classes 4 out of 5 days
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ariana Grande
Blurb: Michelle Obama used my Snapchat Geofilter

Name: Brooke Su
Year: 2021
Major: Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
Hometown: Irvine, California
Campus activities: Research Assistant at The Elephant Listening Project
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have a picnic on the slope on a sunny day
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Blurb: Transferring to Cornell has truly been life-changing.

Name: Jai Malhotra
Year: 2020
Major: Government
Hometown: Weston, MA
Campus activities: CPEP, CMIY, Cornell Daily Sun
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Bar crawl with lime bikes through collegetown's three whole bars (start with Loco if you want a challenge)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Haruki Murakami
Blurb: Take as many random classes as you can- you only have four years at a school with one of the most diverse course rosters in the country, you might as well make the most of it.

Name: Alex Ding
Year: 2021
Major: Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
Hometown: Syosset, NY
Campus activities: Cornell University Sustainable Design, Climate Justice Cornell, MOSAIC
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get an individual study room in Mann
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: Live, Laugh, Laundry

Name: Milam Milhouse
Year: 2019
Major: Info Sci
Hometown: Chicagooo
Campus activities: N/a (Senior Spring hehe)
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Pickelback shot at ruloffs
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: This one’s for the boy with the booming system

Name: Jonviét Rollins
Year: 2020
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Carmel, NY
Campus activities: AppDev, DNI Committee, Financial Aid Review Committee
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Acknowledge the genocide of indigenous people that led to Cornell occupying this land
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Colin Kaepernick
Blurb: "What I'm looking for isn't an easy path...but a way to walk a hard one" -- Naruto
Compassion is key.

Name: Samuel Barnett
Year: 2019
Major: National Security & Geopolitics (College Scholar Program)
Hometown: Bedford, NY
Campus activities: Tour Guides, POLIS, Hillel, Mortar Board Der Hexenkreis,
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Find your way of improving Cornell for future generations
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Oliver
Blurb: Stay energized!

Name: Abby Benkert
Year: 2019
Major: English
Hometown: South Jordan, Utah
Campus activities: Varsity swimming and diving, tour guides, BRLI
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Watch the sun set on the slope as many days as you can
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: Tell your friends that you love them, take a million pictures of any and everything, and don’t take for granted a second of your time here.

Name: Ben Boltzmann
Year: Graduate Student
Major: Physics
Hometown: Vienna
Campus activities: Teaching loads of physics
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Stare up at the stars and appreciate that our cosmic epoch is unique and precious and life and meaning will cease to exist in the far future
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Carl Bender
Blurb: Nobody survives life!

Name: Toby Dresdner
Year: 2019
Major: English
Hometown: Westchester, NY
Campus activities: I'm really Jewish.
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a class in as many buildings as possible and learn how alumni donations affect chair comfort.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Roxanne Gay?
Blurb: Just wait until you graduate Cornell and then you'll be able to get the salad between 2 and 5 pm that you deserve.

Name: Rachel Weintraub
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: New Rochelle, NY
Campus activities: All of the social media: stirring the pot on Twitter @RachRachCity, curating my finsta @weintrashcan, accepting Venmos @Rachel-Weintraub-4
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Become a second semester senior citizen and join a country club by taking HADM 4425 (cruises), FDSC 2310 (beers), PE 1237 (yoga), & AMST 2001 (story time with Corey)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Lev Novak: the unfamous brother of charming C-list celebrity B.J. Novak. Lev gets all the perks of being tangentially connected to cool people/things without the burden of personal stardom. He's my attainable celebrity crush― DMs are open ;)
Blurb: For a good time press 'A'

Name: Morgan Macey
Year: 2019
Major: Communication
Hometown: Wilton, CT
Campus activities: Varsity rowing, AEPhi, BRLI
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? I just made a podcast about this! My addition would be : Be an overzealous freshman during O-week, ask a senior if they are a freshman too.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Marcel Marceau
Blurb: If you're looking at this photo, we've probably met once or twice.

Name: Sarah Edwards
Year: 2019
Major: Human Biology, Health & Society
Hometown: Bethesda, MD
Campus activities: BOSS Peer Mentorship Program, Residential Advisor, Engaged Ambassador, Coffee chats, Cayuga lifters
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Watch the sunset from the roof of your favorite building.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? I would invite Traci Ellis Ross. She's hilarious, vibrant and would definitely inspire graduating seniors with her joy and wisdom.
Blurb: "Say it with your chest." - a bold Cornellian I admire

Name: Aidan Weed
Year: 2019
Major: Information Science
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Campus activities: Arts & Sciences Ambassadors, Cornell Strategic Consulting, Cornell Concert Commission, Kappa Sigma
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Drop a class because you don’t want to study for the prelim
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Kanye West
Blurb: Shamwow

Name: Jewon Sohn
Year: 2021
Major: Biology & Information Sciences
Hometown: Seattle, WA
Campus activities: YOURS, D&I, AED, KASA
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go small-boat sailing in Cayuga!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Barack
Blurb: Never forget why you started.

Name: Erika Fulep
Year: 2019
Major: Math and Economics
Hometown: Dix Hills, NY
Campus activities: Cornell Hillel, Phi Mu, Alpha Phi Omega, Cornell Actuarial Society
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Spend every Taco Tuesday at Rose House
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Shonda Rhimes
Blurb: “In a world full of ice cream, don’t be afraid to be a cupcake”

Name: Rebecca Rait
Year: 2019
Major: Biometry and Statistics
Hometown: Merrick, NY
Campus activities: Phi Mu, Alpha Phi Omega
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Spend all of your BRBs on Trillium quesadillas
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ellen DeGeneres
Blurb: ~Positive vibes only~

Name: Conrad Perez
Year: 2019
Major: Industrial and Labor Relations
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Campus activities: Club Basketball, ILR Peer Mentor, Phi Chi Theta, Lambda Chi Alpha
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Fall asleep in every single one of your classes at least once
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson or Bruno Mars
Blurb: Follow me on Instagram @_chiefgeorges

Name: Georges Batoussi
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: Bethlehem, PA
Campus activities: African Development Association, SWAG, DSP
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Try every popcorn flavor combination at the Willard Straight Hall Resource Center.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Legend
Blurb: "If the bursar calls, I'm not home."

Name: Carolyn Todd
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Bel Air, MD
Campus activities: CORE Resident Advisor, Development of Social Cognition Lab, PATCH, Alpha Chi Omega
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? If I could add one thing to 161 things it would be eat at every eatery on campus. I'm sad that it took me until my senior year to find out how incredible certain cafes on campus were.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? I would definitely invite Michelle Obama. She's intelligent, funny, and inspiring; most certainly someone who would encourage and engage the whole audience!
Blurb: A quote that guides me in my life is from my favorite spoken word artist, Andrea Gibson, " I don't have a single plan in my life other than learning to love people well." Loving people (including yourself) well in spite of their differences, flaws, and failures is HARD and something I work at every single day. This may be naive, but I truly think that if we all saw each other's humanity and loved each other for it, we could save the world.

Name: Alexander Chung
Year: 2021
Major: Biology and Society
Hometown: Potomac, MD
Campus activities: Club Swim, Research, Phi Delta Epsilon, Pi Kappa Alpha
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a class S/U and barely pass
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Conan O'Brien
Blurb: Big Sean once said, " you win some, lose some, break some, bruise some, life could be a test, multiple choice, choose some" and I felt that.

Name: Lavanya Aprameya
Year: 2019
Major: Computer Science & Linguistics
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Campus activities: Haven, MOSAIC, Consent Ed, South Asian Council, 626 Thurston Ave, Undergraduates in Linguistics
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Nasties sober on a weekend as an upperclassman and people-watch the drunk freshmen.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Laverne Cox
Blurb: If you're asking me to meet somewhere that's not Libe, are we even friends?

Name: Elliot Meyers
Year: 2022
Major: Plant Sciences
Hometown: New Rochelle, NY
Campus activities: Cornell Center for Jewish Living, Cornell Hillel, Hydroponics Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Buy a succulent at a succulent sale.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michael Scott
Blurb: "Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me."

Name: Jonah Smart
Year: 2020
Major: Government, History
Hometown: Stamford, CT
Campus activities: Army ROTC, Scabbard & Blade, Seal & Serpent, Cornell Hillel, Cornell CJL
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get invited to the Tri-Service Military Ball
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Blurb: "The more I learn, the more excited I get." - Johnny Cash

Name: Daniela Manzano
Year: 2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Miami, FL
Campus activities: Cornell University Program Board, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? See a famous comedian perform stand-up at a CUPB show!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Steven Spielberg
Blurb: Never tell me the odds!

Name: Julia Bujno
Year: 2020
Major: Human Biology, Health, & Society
Hometown: Forest Hills, NY
Campus activities: Cayuga's Watchers, PRYDE Scholar, Statistics TA, Research Project Director
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go down the lazy river at six mile creek.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Marie Kondo
Blurb: At any given moment, I'm thinking about burrata.

Name: Mia Casey
Year: 2020
Major: Information Science
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Campus activities: Tour Guide, Physics TA, Willard Straight Resource Center, Tri Delta
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Picnic at stewart park
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Seth Meyers
Blurb: FREE popcorn and conversation in willard straight hall!

Name: Danielle Fulep
Year: 2022
Major: Math and Physics
Hometown: Dix Hills, New York
Campus activities: Theme Park Entertainment Group, Hillel Freshman Engagement Committee, SEED Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? go to Trillium and order the same food enough times that the staff knows your order
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jimmy Kimmel
Blurb: "I'm not great at the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?" -Chandler Bing

Name: Veer Vekaria
Year: 2019
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: Pittsford, NY
Campus activities: Chair, CALS Student Advisory Council to the Dean | Co-President, Cornell Health International | Student Advisor, Office of Undergraduate Biology | Undergraduate Researcher (Senior Lead), Butcher Lab
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Order lunch at Terrace at 2:56pm and make it to the register at 3:01pm ><
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Obama! <3
Blurb: "There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler only who is foreign." -Robert Louis Stevenson

Name: Nancy Jiang
Year: 2019
Major: Policy Analysis and Management
Hometown: Potomac, MD
Campus activities: Thorny Ultimate Frisbee, Cornell International Business Association, Research, APO, Bobarista at Utea
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Subsist only off of free food in Duffield
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Keanu Reeves
Blurb: Reluctant corporate snake

Name: Priyanka Konan
Year: 2020
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Chandler, AZ
Campus activities: Theta Tau, Pi Beta Phi, AIChE
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Run through the horse farms on North at sunset
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Joe Gebbia
Blurb: Mango and teva season is approaching, prepare yourselves.

Name: Colette Schissel
Year: 2020
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Westwood, MA
Campus activities: Research, FeelGood, AIChE, WICE, Pi Beta Phi, Running Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? play on an intramural volleyball team in jorts, finish last in the league
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Cheryl Strayed
Blurb: Anyone want to go get free popcorn?

Name: Avani Bhargava
Year: 2020
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Basking Ridge, NJ
Campus activities: The Class Notes A Cappella, Women in Computing at Cornell (WICC), Mortar Board Der Hexenkreis
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Wait for a stranger with card access to let you into eHub.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: 1) do things you wouldn't expect yourself to do. 2) take time to refresh and refocus. 3) life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Name: Emily Bramhall
Year: 2019
Major: Policy Analysis and Management
Hometown: Bradley Beach, NJ
Campus activities: APO, Women’s Ultimate - Thorny Roses, Cornell Farmworkers Program
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Eat a pizza come from panda tea lounge
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? OPRAH WINFREY
Blurb: I got this mug for $5 and it’s the best mug I own

Name: Yinnon Sanders
Year: 2019
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: West Lafayette, Indiana
Campus activities: Center for Jewish Living, Hillel, Programming Language Research
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Stand outside Cornell Cinema spoiling the end of the movie for everyone
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ira Glass
Blurb: Use promo code YINNONS for $25 off your first rental using Turo

Name: Toba Stern
Year: 2020
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies (CALS)
Hometown: New Rochelle, NY
Campus activities: Prison Education Program, Hillel, CJL, Daily Sun
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take Magical Mushrooms!! (the class!!)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mindy Kaling
Blurb: I'm majoring in undecided

Name: Annette Stawsky
Year: 2020
Major: Math and Computer Science
Hometown: LA
Campus activities: VP Social Programming, Center for Jewish Living
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Come to CJL Social event! ;)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Andy
Blurb: "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing — that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney

Name: Zeyu Hu
Year: 2019
Major: Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
Hometown: Beijing, China
Campus activities: Guac Magazine, Cornell University Sustainable Design, Martha's Cafe, Cornell Symphony Orchestra, Big Red Marching Band, International Students Union
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Become an RA for free housing, then get fired for doing rounds intoxicated
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? BTS!
Blurb: Nothing forges a bond between Cornellians like conspiracies about the weather machine

Name: Deanna Fernando
Year: 2019
Major: Civil Engineering
Hometown: Hudson, OH
Campus activities: Phi Mu, ASCE, AEW facilitator, math CA
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get breakfast at Waffle Frolic!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Reese Witherspoon
Blurb: "Do literally whatever makes you happy"

Name: Natalie Fung
Year: 2020
Major: Information Science
Hometown: Santa Clarita, CA
Campus activities: Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell Taiwanese American Society (CTAS), Let's Get Coffee
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Try the Abomination popcorn flavor at Willard Straight
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Amy Poehler
Blurb: Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.

Name: Mahfuza Shovik
Year: 2019
Major: Information Science
Hometown: Staten Island, NY
Campus activities: Booling
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Follow a TCAT cause your crush is on it
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Rihanna
Blurb: 14-13-1

Name: Jen Greenberg
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Syosset, New York
Campus activities: SDT, Cornell Reflect, Psi Chi, KON, Cupcakes for a Cure
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Try every food truck in Ithaca
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard
Blurb: Most likely found eating, at a concert, or playing with dogs

Name: Megan She
Year: 2020
Major: English
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Campus activities: Cornell Design & Tech Initiative, Cornell Mars Rover, Science Olympiad at Cornell, Alpha Phi Omega
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have a picnic by the gorge.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? That guy in a sports jersey and hat in CTB
Blurb: https://imgur.com/3kGeT45

Name: Caitlin Garbo
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Ithaca, NY
Campus activities: APO, Cornell Hillel, KON, research with the BCTR
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Become notorious on the Cornell Meme page
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
Blurb: I had a 101 degree fever when I had this picture taken!

Name: Anna Sofia Montoya-Olsson
Year: 2019
Major: Civil Engineering
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Campus activities: Engineers Without Borders, Cornell University Bridges, Kappa Alpha Theta, Meinig Family Cornell National Scholar, American Society of Civil Engineers
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Walk on frozen Cayuga Lake
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jerry Seinfeld
Blurb: follow @simply_asmo on Instagram :-)

Name: Kathleen Li
Year: 2019
Major: Information Science
Hometown: East Brunswick
Campus activities: ALANA, AIESEC Cornell, Chinese Students Association
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Nasties as an upperclassmen, forgetting that it closes at 2AM and not 3AM
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Kim Kardashian
Blurb: Aspiring food stylist, but I'm only good at peeling oranges.

Name: Rebecca Holstein
Year: 2021
Major: Environmental Engineering
Hometown: Potomac, Maryland
Campus activities: Cornell DEBUT (Design Engineering for Biomedical Undergraduate Teams), Cornell Hillel, Pi Beta Phi, Big Red Ambassadors
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Drive on Stewart Ave one too many times, then get your car repaired

Name: Alex Devas
Year: 2021
Major: Biometry and Statistics
Hometown: Port Washington, NY
Campus activities: Walking to class, eating at Trillium three times a week, whistling, forgetting people's names immediately after I meet them, not getting good grades
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Leave a lecture absolutely clueless and contemplate why you chose your major. And do this on many occasions
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Lightning McQueen
Blurb: Hot Pie should sit on the Iron Throne

Name: Alex Rose
Year: 2019
Major: Spanish and Chemistry & Chemical Biology
Hometown: Holland, PA
Campus activities: Alpha Chi Sigma: The Professional Chemistry Fraternity, LSC tutoring (currently Spanish and Italian but previously chemistry), accounting TA
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Improve your critical thinking, problem-solving, cultural awareness, communication, and many other skills by studying a foreign language (see https://www.actfl.org/advocacy/what-the-research-shows)!!!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tina Fey or Amy Poehler, but I would of course try to get them to speak together
Blurb: I came to Ithaca for the education, but I stayed for the farmers market

Name: Jacob Markin
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Fairfax, VA
Campus activities: Captain Cornell Water Polo, President Cornell Mafia Club, Keeton House Active Citizen, Cornell Poker Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to a club meeting you're not in. See if you want to join, if so join the list serve, if not ghost them like a bad date.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Lets see if Stephen Colbert would do it.
Blurb: Relax. You're doing well and have friends/family who care about you. Believe in yourself and most everything else will fall into place. "Confidence is like falling asleep, fake it until it comes naturally."

Name: Elen-Sarrah Dolgopolskaia
Year: 2021
Major: Biological Sciences with concentration in Neurobiology and Behavior
Hometown: Buffalo, NY but I was born in Russia, and have lived in California and Kansas before moving to buffalo
Campus activities: Psi Chi, OUB Student Advisor, Volunteer at the Mental Health Association through PCAT, VP Religious Programming at the CJL, Research Assistant in the Experience and Cognition lab, Peer Health Mentorship Program
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to MVR printing lounge and print a book for free
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? RBG
Blurb: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." -Marianne Williamson

Name: Jay Sirot
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: Montville, NJ
Campus activities: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Hillel, Cornell Republicans
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Ithaca Beer Co.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Key & Peele (as a convocation duo)
Blurb: "It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?" - Ronald Reagan

Name: Jillian Shapiro
Year: 2020
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: Framingham, MA
Campus activities: Cornell Hillel, Kesher, Big Red Marching Band, Pep Band
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Parade with the marching band!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mayim Bialik
Blurb: Just your average NJG

Name: Hannah Wu
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: Brooklyn, NYC
Campus activities: Ultimate Frisbee!!
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Skinny dip with a crush at a gorge!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Robin Williams r.i.p. ):
Blurb: Sometimes laughter is the best medicine

Name: Brooke Greenstein
Year: 2019
Major: Biometry & Statistics
Hometown: Suffern, NY
Campus activities: Phi Mu, Intergroup Dialogue Project, CALS Ambassadors
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? See The Vagina Monologues!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Honesty I'm really happy with Bill Nye, but idk maybe Michelle Obama
Blurb: "They don't think it be like it is, but it do"

Name: Catherine Wei
Year: 2019
Major: Applied Economics and Management
Hometown: Newton, MA
Campus activities: Tour Guide, RA, Forte, Cornell AppDev, Class Councils, Alpha Phi Omega
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Order truffle fries and shirley temples from Regents
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Oprah
Blurb: My Life Motto: Born This Wei

Name: Lyndsey Dyer
Year: 2019
Major: Biology and Society
Hometown: Teaneck, NJ
Campus activities: Cornell Global Health Program, Global Health Student Advisory Board, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Cornell Tradition Commitment
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Skip Friday and Monday classes for a 4-day weekend getaway with your friends
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jackie Aina
Blurb: To all the rising seniors, my advice for senior year is to be spontaneous, do as many Ithaca/Cornell related things as you can, spend as much time as possible with your favorite people, and be the most authentic version of yourself during your senior year. Even though this place can be so challenging, cherish the amazing memories you will make here and the friends you will share them with.

Name: Mia Brill
Year: 2019
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: New City, NY
Campus activities: CS 3410 TA, Center for Teaching Innovation (fancy IT for canvas and iclickers), Phi Mu, Forte, Haven
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Fail spectacularly at something, learn something really important in the process, and then make sure to try again
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Mulaney
Blurb: The second thing I'd add to the 161 things would be to teach someone about something that you are really passionate about.

Name: Haley Antoine
Year: 2019
Major: Biomedical Engineering
Hometown: San Diego
Campus activities: Co-President of the Society of Women Engineers, Resident Advisor, Undergraduate Researcher, Engineering Ambassador, Engineering Peer Advisor, Biomedical Engineering Society, President of Cornell Celtic Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Watch the sunset from the 7th floor stairwell of Rhode's Hall.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Shonda Rhimes
Blurb: On the bottom of every "cheat sheet" I've made to take into prelims, I have written the quote "You are your best thing" from Toni Morrison's "Beloved" - definitely the most important piece of information on there.

Name: May Zhou
Year: 2019
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Lexington, MA
Campus activities: WICC, AXO, CUSD
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? skinny dip in the gorges
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Robert downey jr
Blurb: shoot your shot

Name: Amanda Cort
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: New York City
Campus activities: ILR Worker Institute Fellow, Peer Review Board, University Hearing and Review Boards, Alpha Chi Omega Sorority
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to RPCC brunch as a senior and reminisce about all of your college shenanigans
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ruth Bader Ginsburg (duh)
Blurb: Hey look Ma, I made it!

Name: Rachel Novick
Year: 2019
Major: Economics and College Scholar
Hometown: Mamaroneck, NY
Campus activities: Society for Women in Business, AXO, Lab for Rational Decision Making
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Try every Cornell Dairy ice cream flavor
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Bo Obama
Blurb: Some people graduate, but be still stupid -Kanye

Name: Sara Salmonson
Year: 2019
Major: ILR til I Die(LR)
Hometown: Jericho, NY
Campus activities: Alpha epsilon phi, scheinman mediation video project, Yang Tan institute for employment and Disability, CSC
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Single handedly eat all of the popcorn in the Willard Straight Hall popcorn machine
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tina Fey and Amy Poehler - the most dynamic of dynamic duos
Blurb: A bad attitude is like a flat tire you don’t go anywhere until you change it.

Name: Danyal Motiwalla
Year: 2019
Major: Economics
Hometown: Singapore
Campus activities: International Students Union, Actor at Schwartz
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have Pho and an Avocado Smoothie at Saigon Kitchen, then go to Purity for desert, then to Gimme Coffee to soothe the soul, then back to Saigon Kitchen for dinner
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tan France
Blurb: My squeal is a meme.

Name: Nicole Zhu
Year: 2021
Major: Economics
Hometown: Princeton, NJ
Campus activities: Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell Business Review
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Consider transferring between colleges at least twice, having an existential crisis each time
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? David Sedaris
Blurb: I'm from New Jersey. I go to Cornell. Everything they say about both are true, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Name: Maddie Feldman
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Campus activities: Reflect at Cornell, Resident Advisor, Cornell Hillel, EARS, APO, Mortar Board Der Hexenkreis, AEPhi
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? RPCC brunch!!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? RBG!!
Blurb: Take time to appreciate the people around you :)

Name: Jacob Solomon Karasik Rubashkin
Year: 2019
Major: History and Government
Hometown: Chevy Chase, Maryland
Campus activities: Curmudgeon
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Lie about your birthday to the chimesmasters so they play “Happy Birthday” on the clocktower
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Carl Sagan’s hologram
Blurb: “When I was a freshman in college, I worked at the student newspaper, The Cornell Daily Sun. This was at Cornell. I had to write an op-ed column every day.”

Name: Jason Jeong
Year: 2019
Major: Economics
Hometown: Cupertino, CA
Campus activities: Cornell Daily Sun, Kappa Alpha Pi, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Chi Intramural Soccer
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Raise your hand in lecture and ask to go to the bathroom
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Barack Obama or A$AP Rocky
Blurb: Hi Arielle!!

Name: Mahima Shah
Year: 2019
Hometown: Englishtown, NJ
Campus activities: me? on campus?
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Show up for 2 days of a class out of the entire semester (the midterm and the final) yolo
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Amal Clooney
Blurb: Fake it, still don't make it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Name: Allison Elkowitz
Year: 2019
Major: Animal Science
Hometown: Roslyn, NY
Campus activities: Sigma Delta Tau, CALS Ambassadors, Pre-Vet Society, Biomedical Sciences minor
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have something on campus or food item named after you
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Steven Spielberg
Blurb: Mann Green Couches Class of 2019

Name: Jackie LaGinestra
Year: 2019
Major: Animal Science
Hometown: Long Island, NY
Campus activities: Pre-Vet Society, Member of SDT (past activities: Research, Class Councils Student body Liaison)
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Anytime your friend brings up graduation, follow it up with "I don't want to talk about it"
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Victor LaGinestra, DVM
Blurb: "Enjoy the little things and be joyful, for one day you may look back and realize they were actually the things that mattered"

Name: Tarannum Sahar
Year: 2020
Major: Mechanical Engineering, Economics
Hometown: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Campus activities: Cornell Welcomes Refugees, Engineers for a Sustainable World, Bengali Students Association
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Fly down the slope on a bike
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ilhan Omar
Blurb: Is second semester senior year too late to drop out??

Name: Imani Majied
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: Montclair, NJ
Campus activities: Everybody Eats, Les Femmes de Substance, Delta Sigma Pi, Cornell DTI, OEI Engaged Ambassador
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get udon from Oishii bowl
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jada Pinkett Smith
Blurb: Some people have never let loose on a margarita Monday and it shows.

Name: Sabrina Cabrera
Year: 2019
Major: Interdisciplinary Studies
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Congresswoman AOC
Blurb: "Never let the pressure sway you from doing what you want to do." - Samiel Asghedom

Name: Sofía E. López Cartagena
Year: 2019
Major: Communication
Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico
Campus activities: Puerto Rico Student Association, Communication Student Advisory Board, West Campus Active Citizen, Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go outside during the first rains of May to have good luck for the rest of the year.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Your mom

Name: Marissa Block
Year: 2019
Major: Hotel Administration, Minor: Design and Environmental Analysis
Hometown: Winter Park, FL
Campus activities: Student Assistant to the Dean of the Hotel School, Hotel School Ambassadors, The Grid, Alpha Chi Omega, TA for Persuasive Communications, Cornell Hospitality Consulting, Hotel Ezra Cornell, SHA Office of Student Services
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a studio class. Spend a night sleeping in studio.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Morgan Train
Blurb: Yes, I leave Statler (sometimes)

Name: Morgan Train
Year: 2019
Major: Hotel Administration, Minor: Information Science
Hometown: Excelsior, MN
Campus activities: Hotel Ezra Cornell, Phi Sigma Sigma, TA for Business Computing
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Participate in Hotel Ezra Cornell, the longest-standing tradition of the hotel school!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Marissa Block
Blurb: I'd rather be napping

Name: Aneesha Aggarwal
Year: 2022
Major: Environmental Economics
Hometown: NYC
Campus activities: Frisbee
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Eat an entire pint of cornell dairy ice cream (or sorbet)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mindy Kaling!
Blurb: I've always wanted to be on Humans of New York, but this is close enough :)

Name: Stephanie McBath
Year: 2019
Major: Animal Science
Hometown: Waddington, New York
Campus activities: Cornell University Dairy Science Club (CUDS), Collegiate Farm Bureau, Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, Blog Writer for the Sun, avid napper
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Complete "Around the World" at Hideaway. Bonus points if you do it in 7 nights.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tom Hanks
Blurb: "Don't let school get in the way of your education"

Name: Scott Symons
Year: 2019
Major: History and Economics
Hometown: Eastchester, NY
Campus activities: Big Red Sports Network, Sports Business Society, PIKE
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get the 2 for $25 deal at Chili’s
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? David Wright
Blurb: “I am so smart! S-M-R-T!” - Homer Simpson

Name: Carina Gwennap
Year: 2019
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Mountain View, CA
Campus activities: Frisbee, CU Wind Symphony, West Coast Swing Dance Club
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to a wind symphony, orchestra, or chorus concert!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? RBG
Blurb: Pursue the opportunity to expand your own perspective

Name: Ana Moura-Cook
Year: 2019
Major: Civil Engineering
Hometown: West Newbury, MA
Campus activities: Cornell University Sustainable Design, Women's Club Lacrosse, Outdoor Odyssey, Triphammer Cooperative, Mortar Board Der Hexenkreis
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Realize that you're really a senior when you recognize more people at Rulloff's than at Olin.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Blurb: "What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway."

Name: Clara Dwyer
Year: 2021
Major: Material Science Engineering
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Campus activities: Work on cancer-fighting nanoparticles in a research lab, play on the ultimate frisbee team, tour guide for the engineering school, I also work for Cornell Productions and at Temple of Zeus
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Sustain yourself for an entire day with free food
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? I would invite Jimmy Fallon, comedians go through a very tough path in life and are very good at accessing the world in a critical way and pointing out these problems to us through humor. The world could always use more laughs.
Blurb: Always buy the orange properties in monopoly

Name: Dani Spector
Year: 2019
Major: Hotelie, Food Science Minor, IS Concentration
Hometown: Marlboro, NJ
Campus activities: Alpha Chi Omega, SHA Communication Center, Teaching Assistants for HADM 1740 and HADM 4700, Epicurean Society, HEC
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Bird-watching at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? My mom!
Blurb: Here is a haiku about love:
If you want to give / Dani a banana, she / may or may not cry.

Name: Adaeze Okorie
Year: 2020
Major: Biology and Society
Hometown: Nashua, NH
Campus activities: Nigerian Students Association, Scholars in Our Society and Africa, Meinig Family Cornell National Scholars, Cornell Prison Education Program, Baraka Kwa Wimbo Gospel Ensemble, Cornell Fitness Centers
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Sprint to catch the TCAT, just to have the bus driver look at you and drive away.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama. Periodt.
Blurb: 1. PSA: Things are going to get better, hold your head up. "I am sure that our suffering now cannot be compared to the shining-greatness that He is going to give us."- Romans 8:18
2. If you don't heal what hurt you, you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you
3. Progression >>> perfection
4. Don't let your loneliness lower your standards
5. Stay blessed friends

Name: Angie Escalona
Year: 2021
Major: Hotel Administration
Hometown: Miami, FL
Campus activities: The 180 Publication, National Society of Minorities in Hospitality, Phi Sigma Sigma
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Pull an all-nighter, get sick, then blame your illness on the weather instead of your lack of sleep.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Anna Marie Escalona
Blurb: Everything happens for a reason. If it seems rough right now, it's because there's something great waiting for you at the end of the road.

Name: Sapir Shanskhalil
Year: 2021
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Teaneck, NJ
Campus activities: Hillel, CJL
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? anything on the 161 things to do but ~at night~
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? The ghost of Ezra Cornell
Blurb: Stay positive :)

Name: Tiffany Song
Year: 2022
Major: CS
Hometown: LaGrangeville
Campus activities: WICC, Cornell Bhangra
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Eat the chocolate cake at Oken
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Obama
Blurb: I love fruit

Name: Alice Zhao
Year: 2022
Major: computer science
Hometown: Vienna, VA
Campus activities: ducking around
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? See all your FWS classmates at a party when you haven't seen any of them for months
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Emma Watson
Blurb: laugh it off

Name: Caleb Ruffin
Year: 2019
Major: Industrial and Labor Relations
Hometown: Windsor, NC
Campus activities: The Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Meinig National Scholars, Upward Bound, Cornell Public Service Center, Scholars Working Ambitiously Graduate, etc
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Experience Bicycle Day.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Farrakhan
Blurb: In the grand scheme of things, everything is going great.

Name: Stephanie Steinberg
Year: 2019
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Merrick, New York
Campus activities: Psi Chi, Kappa Omicron Nu, College of Human Ecology Ambassadors, Affect and Cognition Lab, Cornell Education Abroad Ambassadors
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get your picture taken for 161 Faces!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Emma Watson
Blurb: Thank you Cornell, for everything <3

Name: Nicole Davessar
Year: 2019
Major: Economics
Hometown: Brecksville, Ohio
Campus activities: College of Arts & Sciences Peer Advisor Program, Cornell Strategic Consulting, College Mentors for Kids, Pi Kappa Alpha Sweetheart
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Hold and have your picture taken with a Nobel Prize in the Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Rami Malek
Blurb: Shamrock Shakes are removed from McDonald’s menu far too early, and everyone should see the musical Les Misérables.

Name: Barbara Cruz
Year: 2019
Major: Government
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Campus activities: MEChA de Cornell!!!
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get your birth chart done by a member of MEChA.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Cupcakke or Eve L. Ewing. Both are my heroes, though for different reasons.
Blurb: Struggling at Cornell is okay, and more people struggle than they let on here. Be a fearless advocate for yourself - no one else can ensure you succeed better than you can.

Name: Alyssa Alishoev
Year: 2019
Major: Psychology
Hometown: Oakland, CA
Campus activities: Camp Kesem at Cornell University, Children's Witness and Cognition Lab, Phi Sigma Sigma
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Make it onto Cornell 161 Faces!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama!!
Blurb: "Have you heard of Camp Kesem??"

Name: Sebatian Forero
Year: 2019
Major: Economics and Government
Hometown: Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Campus activities: Mutual Investment Club of Cornell (MICC), Men of Color Council (MOCC)
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Skip class to go swimming at Second Dam
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Bill Gates
Blurb: “What matters is not to know the world but to change it.”
― Frantz Fanon
As Cornellians we bring the words "Any Person... Any Study" to life. I'm excited to see how we transform the world we're going into after graduation, bringing with us a little piece of Cornell, and leaving behind a lasting impact on our communities.

Name: Elvin Migirov
Year: 2019
Major: ILR
Hometown: Staten Island, NY
Campus activities: Alpha Epsilon Pi, Cornell Hillel, Cornell Chabad
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Scheme a free trip to a different country with some lesser-known organization
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Neil Patrick Harris or Kal Penn
Blurb: “One bite, everyone knows the rules” - El Prez

Name: Calli Sabaitis
Year: 2022
Major: Math and Computer Science
Hometown: Spring Lake, NJ
Campus activities: Cornell Club Tennis, Splash! at Cornell, FeelGood, and BigRed//Hacks
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a PLANNED nap in the library
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Dick Savit
Blurb: "Try to learn something about everything and everything about something." -Thomas Huxley

Name: Elizabeth Yardley
Year: 2019
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: Sellersville, PA
Campus activities: Outdoor Odyssey, Hairston Lab, Cornell Outdoor Education, Temple of Zeus, Club Swim Team
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Dress up in colorful wigs with your friends and go out in Collegetown
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Lewis
Blurb: I want to be the one to walk in the sun

Name: Melissa Medina
Year: 2019
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: Rockland County, New York
Campus activities: Phi Sigma Sigma, Animal Science Research, Orientation Supervisor,
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get sangria at CTB on a sunny day
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Kris Jenner
Blurb: Silently but fiercely judging you for things I also do

Name: Samir Salih
Year: 2019
Major: Government and Near Eastern Studies
Hometown: Khartum Sudan
Campus activities: Telluride House, Men of Color Council, Kappa Alpha Libe
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Getting on the roof the Law school
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mike Tyson
Blurb: poopity scoop

Name: Keymani Dunkley
Year: 2020
Major: Communication (minor: Inequality Studies-look into it!)
Hometown: Middletown, NY
Campus activities: Delta Delta Delta, Womxn of Color Coalition (WOCC), work at FGSS/LGBTQ Studies Office
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Sign up for studies/experiments around campus.Win-win situation- we get money, extra credit, and sometimes food! and campus researchers get data!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Viola Davis or Mindy Kaling
Blurb: follow me on spotify: @keyko150

Name: Andrew Older
Year: 2019
Major: English
Hometown: Edgemont, New York
Campus activities: Quill Guild, Undergraduate Theory Reading Group, Cornell Lunatic, Cornell Book Review, Pi Kappa Phi
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a class outside your comfort zone
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jordan Peele
Blurb: Don’t neglect the little things, the small and ostensibly mundane parts of Cornell that slowly become ingrained as an integral part of our lives. We become jaded to them. Take a moment to appreciate a sunset, a cherry blossom, the smile of a cashier, the rush of the gorges, the simple presence of other students and faculty, all of which make Cornell the special place it is for so many.

Name: Katie McPherson
Year: 2019
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: Pittsford, NY
Campus activities: Alpha Chi Omega, APO, Pre-Orientation Service Trips, CU Guards
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Hideaway just for the popcorn
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Blurb: Bringing a blanket to Olin is a power move, not a cry for help.

Name: Lydia Zheng
Year: 2020
Major: Industrial and Labor Relations
Hometown: Munster, IN
Campus activities: Science Olympiad at Cornell, Director of Elections for Student Assembly, Convocation Committee, ILR Peer Advisor
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Experiencing the walk of shame from Olin to Uris at 2 AM when Olin closes but you still gotta pull an all nighter
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tupac Shakur
Blurb: When I was in high school Justin Bieber accidentally followed me on Twitter then immediately unfollowed me two minutes later

Name: Joel Langstein
Year: 2019
Major: Communication
Hometown: Rye Brook, New York
Campus activities: Cornell in Washington Student Advisory Board, Cornell Daily Sun
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have Dairy Bar ice cream every day for an entire semester.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tiger Woods
Blurb: Still order off of the kid’s menu.

Name: Aneesa Rupasingha
Year: 2019
Major: Food Science
Hometown: Abroad
Campus activities: BDS---oh ooPs sorry I meant divestment
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get caught Cranking Dat Soulja Boi by a janitor at 3 am in Uris G01
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Gina Linetti
Blurb: Remember, men with beards are just men without beards with beards

Name: Gabi Tepper
Year: 2019
Major: Bio and Society
Hometown: Upper East Side XOXO
Campus activities: Sister of AEPHI, Cornell Hillel, and Pike Sweetheart
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? successfully get a cup of coffee from every coffee establishment on campus
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Sacha Baron Cohen (or any of his alter egos)
Blurb: Heels are your best accessory and your best weapon

Name: Zach Baker
Year: 2019
Major: Biometry and Statistics
Hometown: Woodmere, NY
Campus activities: Center for Jewish Living, Cornell Actuarial Society, Cornell Hillel, Alpha Epsilon Phi
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Attend more sorority events than actual sorority sisters (see activities above)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Andy Cohen or Kristen Bell (but as Gossip Girl)
Blurb: Almost didn't graduate cuz I thought I only needed one PE... oops

Name: Eliza Goldberg
Year: 2021
Major: Communication
Hometown: Westport, CT
Campus activities: CALS ambassador, communication research, communication student advisory board
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Watch Netflix in the library
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Hassan Minhaj yet again! How dare he drop out
Blurb: I got peer pressured into taking this photo

Name: Sophie Malki
Year: 2021
Major: Biological Sciences
Hometown: New York City
Campus activities: President of The Chai Notes Jewish a cappella group, Phi Mu, Ga’avah: Cornell’s Jewish LGBTQ+ Organization, Shevach Jewish Egalitarian Minyan
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Attempt to study on the slope when it’s finally nice out, only to realize it’s too bright to see your laptop screen (Bonus: get attacked by bees)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? RBG!
Blurb: I’m mildly allergic to cold weather (clearly, choosing to go to Cornell was a great idea)

Name: Raymond Liao
Year: 2021
Major: Operations Research
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Campus activities: President of Acacia Fraternity, Ryan Scholar, HEOP Ambassador, First-Generation Student Union
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Acquire a big red blazer and wake up to run a certain institution from the confines of Day Hall
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Bobby Shmurda #FreeBobby#FreeRowdy
Blurb: We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epictetus

Name: Tennyson T Bardwell
Year: 2019
Major: CS
Hometown: New York, NY
Campus activities: CUAUV
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? bring a date back to you dorm and make them stand outside as you clean up
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Carl Sagan
Blurb: "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known"

Name: Omar Din
Year: 2019
Major: PAM
Hometown: Sunnyvale, CA
Campus activities: Chief Campus Mango Lassi Server, Society for India Candidate, Mock Shaadi Groom, jai hind 🇵🇰
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Protest at the Student Assembly
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Benjamin Netanyahu
Blurb: My last bucket list item from my time at Cornell was to get on the 161 Faces. I have finally fulfilled my dream.

Name: Eitan Wolf
Year: 2021
Major: ILR
Hometown: Corvallis, Oregon
Campus activities: AEPi, CU Cyphers
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Make snow angels in a blizzard
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Notorius RBG, duh
Blurb: I can wiggle my nose!

Name: Jeremy Marchuck
Year: 2019
Major: Biometry and Statistics
Hometown: Merrick, NY
Campus activities: Cornell Hillel, Cornell Interfaith Council, Alpha Epsilon Pi
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Visit a winery
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: Time flies when you're doing nothing.

Name: Maame Britwum
Year: 2020
Major: ILR
Hometown: Lawrence, KS
Campus activities: Convocation Committee and Black Ivy Pre-Law Society
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? uber to class :)
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? cowboy emoji
Blurb: I can't stop online shopping...even groceries

Name: Kiya McDuffie
Year: 2021
Major: Sociology and Government
Hometown: La Habra, California
Campus activities: The Black Ivy Pre-Law Society, Art Beyond Cornell, Food Recovery Network
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a TCAT bus ride full circle (until it comes back to the spot that you got on).
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jordan Peele
Blurb: Don't worry about what other people think of you because if you do, then you're not living your best life.

Name: Trevor Bacchi
Year: 2022
Major: Communication
Hometown: Cold Spring Harbor
Campus activities: Slope Day (Incoming Director of Recruitment), CCC, CUPB, CMG
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Make your schedule during pre enroll to change the whole thing to be in classes with friends during add drop.
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Reggie Fils-Aimé
Blurb: Even though as a FYSA I have only been here for 1 semester and missed a lot of the iconic parts of freshman year I have had an experience unlike any other, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Coming here was a really scary experience for me, a kid who has barely left his home, but upon arriving here I was very lucky to have been placed in my very friendly "family" of Unit 2 at JAM. Within the first week of classes they gave me a core group of friends and little by little, my closest friends there were helping me to feel cozy, safe, and at home. Getting involved outside of my dorm was a struggle, but one that I eventually overcame as I have begun to continually establish an identity for myself at Cornell. In summary I still have a lot to learn, a lot to do, and a lot to improve on, but my first semester no matter how hectic it was feels like a step in the right direction. I learned a lot about myself and others and grew very close to some of the best friends I've ever met. Besides all the crazy things that have happened in my incredibly fast first semester it's also crazy to think that some seniors have been waiting for 4 years to get on 161, while I've been so fortunate as to have gotten on it in my first semester. I truly have been blessed and I thank my family, my friends, Cornell, and all the people I've met thus far for all the experiences, life lessons, and opportunities. HAGS and cya in 3 ITH, lol ;)

Name: Ermias Tadesse
Year: 2022
Major: Policy Analysis & Management
Hometown: Alexandria, VA
Campus activities: Cornell Strategic Consulting, Diversity on the Street (DOTS)
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a salsa class
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Tom Brady
Blurb: "That’s the real trouble with the world. Too many people grow up." - Walt Disney

Name: Valerie Odonkor
Year: 2022
Major: Double major: French and Government
Hometown: Laurel, MD
Campus activities: Lady Bears Club volleyball
Student worker at Carol’s
Delta gamma sorority
Cornell Thread
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to a concert in the bell tower!!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? N/a
Blurb: Advice: Always remember that, "This world is but a canvas to our imagination" (Henry David Thoreau) because trust me, you can do anything you set your mind to!! You are strong, and you are creative, and just be so ready to learn :)

Name: Natalie Rosier
Year: 2022
Major: Industrial and Labor Relations
Hometown: Scarsdale, NY
Campus activities: Nothing But Treble A Capella, Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get a snapdragon apple from the orchards
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mindy Kaling
Blurb: My favorite book is Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese !!!

Name: Emily Weiser
Year: 2022
Major: Development Sociology
Hometown: New York City
Campus activities: Big Red Buddy, Writer for Sun Spots, Club Field Hockey, Kappa Kappa Gamma
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to the Botanic Gardens and have a picnic
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Trevor Noah
Blurb: Never regret what you did, only regret what you didn't do

Name: Talia Petigrow
Year: 2022
Major: Human Development
Hometown: Katonah
Campus activities: Human Ecology Ambassador, Human Ecology Deans Undergraduate Council Member, Psi Chi member, Greek life
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Eat every single one of Cornell Dairy's flavors
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Michelle Obama
Blurb: My grandma and I are on the same reunion year at Cornell

Name: James Riccio
Year: 2022
Major: Biological sciences
Hometown: Croton on Hudson
Campus activities: Polo team, Greek life
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Watch the polo ponies
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Dwight Schrute
Blurb: I buy sell and collect antiques and collectibles

Name: Lucas Wolbach
Year: 2022
Major: Human Biology Health and Society
Hometown: Boston MA
Campus activities: Hall Council, Outdoor Odyssey, EARs
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Nastys at 2am after a frat party
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Mayer
Blurb: “I used to think i was indecisive, now I’m not too sure”

Name: David Wu
Year: 2019
Major: Economics
Hometown: Lexington, MA
Campus activities: Chinese Bible Study, Delta Sigma Pi, Global China Connection, Cornell Board of Portfolio Managers
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Sneak onto the roof of Klarman
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Lisa Su! She's the CEO of AMD, a computer chip company
Blurb: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." -- Philippians 4:6
It's really easy to stress out about grades and internships, but don't forget to enjoy the time you have here =)

Name: Beau Si
Year: 2020
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hometown: Fayetteville, Arkansas
Campus activities: Asian American InterVarsity, Cornell Hyperloop, Intramural sports for fun
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Audition for everything: dance groups, a capella groups, Yamatai, the Chimes, etc
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Malala Yousafzai
Blurb: Love Thy Neighbor

Name: Andrew Ma
Year: 2022
Major: Biology
Hometown: Princeton, NJ
Campus activities: Not much
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a day off every so often
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Jonathan P. Walton
Blurb: Be thankful

Name: Haley Kondo
Year: 2022
Major: Nutritional Sciences
Hometown: Saratoga Springs, NY
Campus activities: member of Delta Gamma, former member of varsity gymnastics
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? have a picnic in the botanic gardens
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Mindy Kaling
Blurb: NA

Name: Isabella Romano
Year: 2022
Major: Chemical Engineer
Hometown: Danville, CA
Campus activities: kappa delta sorority, chemE car project team
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? get a JA the first day of O-week
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Ryan Reynolds
Blurb: nugs not drugs

Name: Maxine Nzegwu
Year: 2022
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: West Orange
Campus activities: Baraka Kwa Wimbo, URMC, NSBE
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Pass your finals so you won’t get kicked out
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Barak Obama
Blurb: Eat Nigerian Jollof

Name: Nnenna Dara
Year: 2022
Major: Mechanical Engineering
Hometown: Chicago
Campus activities: Society of Women Engineers, Students in our Society and Africa (SOSA), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Get stuck in the Balch Hall elevator
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Chimamanda Adichie
Blurb: I love anything chocolate!

Name: Matthew Creighton
Year: 2022
Major: Environmental and Sustainability Sciences
Hometown: Albany, NY
Campus activities: Big Red Marching Band, Beta Theta Pi, Cornell University Sustainable Design
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Have a picnic on the slope
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Elon Musk
Blurb: Surround yourself with people of similar passions. They exist on campus, you just have to find them.

Name: Arianna Kohilakis
Year: 2022
Major: Policy Analysis and Management
Hometown: Rye Brook, NY
Campus activities: General Manager at Student Agencies, Sorority, Hellenic Students Association
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go to Nasty's at 2am and eat Mozz sticks
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Amal Clooney
Blurb: I took a class this year at Cornell where we published books!!

Name: David Kim
Year: 2022
Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hometown: Montgomery, AL
Campus activities: Esports at Cornell: Hearthstone, Christian Union, KCC, Frisbee
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Pretend to be a freshman during O-week and attend events on North Campus
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Elon Musk
Blurb: Smile and get out a bit

Name: Haylen Rosberger
Year: 2022
Major: Biology and Society
Hometown: New York City
Campus activities: Reach and Cupcakes for a Cure
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Eat at the sushi truck!
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? John Mulaney
Blurb: .

Name: Sidney Malia Waite
Year: 2022
Major: ILR
Hometown: Tucson, AZ
Campus activities: BSU Freshman Rep
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Take a class with Professor Grant Farred and think like you've never thought before
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Trevor Noah, hands down
Blurb: Be artistic, vomit the anguish up

Name: Brian Isakov
Year: 2022
Major: Engineering Physics
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Campus activities: Society of Physics Students
If you could add one thing to the list of 161 Things Every Cornellian Should Do, what would you add? Go hiking in the arboretum
If you could invite a convocation speaker, who would you invite? Bill Nye! (What a coincidence)
Blurb: Let’s be open to new ideas and eager to collectively help the greater community.